Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018 - Experimental Data Drives Linguistic Theory

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Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018 - Experimental Data Drives Linguistic Theory


The Linguistic Evidence conference series is a meeting place for linguists who wish to improve the empirical adequacy of linguistic theory and linguistic analysis. A central aim is to more closely integrate data-driven and theory-driven approaches to the study of language systems, language behaviour, and language functions. Interdisciplinary work in which linguists cooperate with academics in adjacent fields is particularly welcome. The first Linguistic Evidence was held in 2004. Linguistic Evidence 2018 – the ninth in the series – took place from 15 to 17 February 2018 and launched a new phase with its specific focus on the application of experimental methods to linguistic theory building in syntax and semantics and their interface phenomena. The proceedings 2018 present selected contributions to the conference.

Editors: Anja Gattnar, Robin Hörnig, Melanie Störzer & Sam Featherston

Cite as:
A. Gattnar, R. Hörnig, M. Störzer & S. Featherston (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018: Experimental Data Drives Linguistic Theory. Tübingen: University of Tübingen.

We thank all the reviewers and all those who helped to realize these proceedings, especially Sarah Becker, Karolina Greipel, Birgit Rapp and Carmen Dörge.

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