Studying disparities in access to higher education: input of the German National Educational Panel Study

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Studying disparities in access to higher education: input of the German National Educational Panel Study

Author: Blossfeld, Hans-Peter; Trautwein, Ulrich; Maurice, Jutta von
Tübinger Autor(en):
Trautwein, Ulrich
Issue year: 2013
Language: English
Dokumentart: BookPart
Published in: Empirische Bildungsforschung : Theorien, Methoden, Befunde und Perspektiven; Festschrift für Wilfried Bos / Nele McElvany & Heinz Günter Holtappels (Hrsg.) - Münster ; München ; Berlin [u.a.] : Waxmann
Page range: S. 109-124
Reference: 44804515X
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