In the first part, the depsipeptide Cryptophycin-3 and a cryptophycin analogue were prepared from the corresponding four subunits. The necessary tripeptide analogue was acquired from the starting amino ester, which contains two fragments, a β-amino acid and an α-hydroxy ester. After extension at the carbonyl function of the tripeptide analogue by esterification with another 5-hydroxy ester, seco compounds were obtained. Ring closure was achieved by macrolactamization in the presence of TBTU as condensing agent. This work features a streamlined synthesis of a 5-hydroxy ester, a short synthesis of a amino acid by enantioselective alkylation of the glycinimine, and the use of the Fmoc protecting group for the amino functions.
In the second part , Epoxomicin, an α,β-epoxiketone containing peptide, possessing potent in vivo anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory activities, was prepared by coupling between a tripeptide and an epoxide. The tripeptide fragment was the combination of protected threonine , isoleucine and N-methyl isoleucine. The epoxide containing fragment was prepared from a precursor α,β-unsaturated ketone.