The examination of the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in patients with breast cancer in primary systemic therapy with aromatase inhibitors and chemotherapy opens an additional field in the exploration of cox-2. In this paper the expression of cox-2 was detected immunhistochemically. For the first time the staining of adipocytes and neutrophilic granulocytes was demonstrated.
In neoadjuvant therapy an increase of the expression of cox-2 in both treatment groups (chemotherapy and hormone therapy) occurred, however the increase was higher in the group treated with chemotherapy. This showed the effect of the hormone therapy, which reduces the cox-2-expression by inhibiting aromatase. The effect of the primary systemic therapy, particularly the difference between the chemotherapy and the hormone therapy, was not as big as expected.
Between the expression of cox-2 on the one hand and age distribution, state of menopause, T-stadium and N-stadium on the other hand, no relationship could be established. The size of the tumour after the neoadjuvant therapy had an influence on the expression of cox-2. The expression of cox-2 decreased with increasing size of the tumour. This result might point to the important role of the expression of cox-2, particularly during the early tumourigenesis. In contrast to the theory, that the expression of cox-2 is an early event of tumourigenesis, results in this paper show that invasive carcinoma proportionally express more cox-2 than DCIS. The exact mode of action of the expression of cox-2 in the tumourigenesis has not been established, yet.
Partial tendency between the expression of cox-2 and the ER- and PgR-receptors, p53, bcl-2, c-erbB-2 and Mib-1 were detected. However, no final statements about corresponding correlations can be made.
In the treatment group of the hormone therapy an association between the expression of cox-2 and the pathological response was observed. Cox-2 was always expressed in partial and minor response and also at no change of tumour size. Only in one carcinoma there was negative cox-2-expression. This suggests that cox-2-expression is regulated only in a limited way by estradiol, but might be highly enhanced by growth factors, oncogenes or tumour necrosis factors. So an inhibition of aromatase would reduce the production of estradiol but marginally reduce the expression of cox-2.
In conclusion, the influence of the neoadjuvant therapy on the expression of cox-2 was lower as expected. In the present study neither Cyclooxygenase-2 was confirmed as a negative factor of prognosis, nor an effect of primary systemic chemotherapy or hormone therapy on cox-2-expression could be found. So a more detailed examination of the different influences of the estradiol on one side and growth factors, tumour necrosis factor alpha, TGF b and cytocines, oncogenes, like v-src, v-Ha-ras and Wnt on the other side, possibly using another method of research, might produce further results.