The neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) comprise the main output stage of the cerebellum. They receive GABAergic inhibitory drive from cortical Purkinje cells and glutamatergic excitatory input from climbing and mossy fibre collaterals (Shinoda et al., 1993, Teune et al., 1998, Czubayko et al., 2001). As a consequence, the output of the neural computation, performed in the cerebellum, is reflected in the firing patterns of the DCN neurons, which then are translated into different motor functions through projections to a variety of premotor centers, including the thalamus, red nucleus and superior colliculus, and the inferior olive (Teune et al., 1998, Aizenman and Linden, 1999). The cerebellar output is generated as a result of synaptic interaction in the DCN and by the electrical membrane properties of these neurons themselves. Against this background, the importance of bringing light into the neural computations that are performed by the DCN neurons can be easily concluded. Studies of the afferent and efferent connections of the DCN have been numerous during the past, (Batini et al., 1992, De Zeeuw et al., 1995, Teune et al., 1998, Pedroarena et al., 2003) but still very little is known about the electrical membrane properties of the DCN neurons themselves. Morphologically, three classes of DCN neurons have been distinguished, based on their different projection targets and content of neurotransmitters (Teune et al., 1998, Schwarz and Schmitz, 1997, Sultan et al., 2001). Despite the extensive knowledge on the anatomical properties of these different types of neurons, it is not known whether the morphologically defined cell types find their correlate in different electrophysiological characteristics and few attempts have been made to correlate electrophysiological and anatomical measures (Czubayko et al., 2001). The present study tries to differentiate functional groups of cells based on their intracellular properties and to relate them to anatomical features. A second focus was set on electrophysiological investigations of the role of glycine in the inhibitory synaptic transmission of the DCN neurons. By means of patch clamp recordings the existence of glycinergic receptors and synapses in DCNs from juvenile and young adult rats (P13 to P23) was investigated. It could be shown that exogenously applied glycine gated in all tested DCNs chloride sensitive currents that could be blocked by nanomolar concentrations of the glycine antagonist, strychnine. These results indicate that DCNs express functional inhibitory glycine receptors throughout the whole explored period. In contrast, glycinergic IPSCs were detected exclusively in DCNs from rats older than P17. Confirming previous experiments it could be shown that all spontaneous IPSCs could be blocked by low doses of GABAA receptor blockers (bicuculline 3µM or gabazine 200 nM). However under conditions of increased spontaneous synaptic activity (by application of 4-aminipyridine, 250 µM and/or TEA 2.5 mM) IPSCs sensitive to strychnine were detected, but only in recordings from P18 or older rats. Furthermore, application of hypertonic solutions (a procedure that elicit vesicular release), or putative focal stimulation of terminals apposed to DCNs, failed to elicit glycinergic IPSCs in DCNs from rats P13-P17. Since glycinergic synaptic currents can be elicited in neonatal DCNs (Kawa 2003) this data indicates that a functional gap occurs at glycinergic DCN synapses during the juvenile age. These results are suggestive that silent synapses might represent a constitutive state during the postnatal maturation of glycinergic synapses in general and raises the possibility that a number of those remain silent during adulthood constituting a reserve pool.