A distinctive micrognathia, glossoptosis and soft palate cleft are characteristic of the Pierre-Robin-Sequence. Through extreme narrowing of the air passages (respiratory tracts) children will, if untreated, develop wheezing and hypoxia. It is described, that up to 93% of affected children will show a dysfunction of the Eustachian tube. Until now no hearing tests have been undertaken on this group of patients to research the potential positive effect to the function of the Eustachian tube at the point of time when the repair of the cleft took place and the growth of the lower jaw was stimulated, due to the implantation of the upper oral dentures appliance.
Therefore forty-one (41) children with Pierre-Robin-Sequence have been interdisciplinary examined. All of them received the repair of the cleft palate during the first year of life. The function of the Eustachian tube was tested before and after the operation. All of the children received at least one brain steam audiometry under sedation to determine the exact hearing threshold level. The children were also evaluated based on the sound of their voice and their lingual development. This study proves that wearing of an upper oral dentures appliance and the early repair of the cleft palate would result in a positive effect to the hearing abilities and lingual development of Pierre-Robin-Sequence effected children.