Do you have a good all-around view? : evaluation of a decision-making skills diagnostic tool using 360° videos and head-mounted displays in elite youth soccer

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Do you have a good all-around view? : evaluation of a decision-making skills diagnostic tool using 360° videos and head-mounted displays in elite youth soccer

Author: Höner, Oliver; Dugandzic, Damir; Hauser, Thomas; Stügelmaier, Michael; Willig, Nico; Schultz, Florian
Tübinger Autor(en):
Höner, Oliver
Schultz, Florian
Published in: Frontiers in sports and active living - Lausanne : Frontiers Media, (2023), Bd. 5, H. 1171262, S. 1-11
Language: English
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Dokumentart: Article
Reference: 1881591190
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