Scaling up an extracurricular science intervention for elementary school students : it works, and girls benefit more from it than boys

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Scaling up an extracurricular science intervention for elementary school students : it works, and girls benefit more from it than boys

Author: Schiefer, Julia; Stark, Lucas; Gaspard, Hanna; Wille, Eike; Trautwein, Ulrich; Golle, Jessika
Tübinger Autor(en):
Schiefer, Julia
Stark, Lucas
Gaspard, Hanna
Wille, Eike
Trautwein, Ulrich
Golle, Jessika
Published in: Journal of educational psychology - Washington, DC : American Psychological Association (2020), Bd. 113, H. 4, S. 784-807
Language: English
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Dokumentart: Article
Reference: 1761130781
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