Individual: GQ

Sex: female ?

Age: 20-30 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Line of vision: NEN

Description: FJ/GQ, primary burial. A double burial was excavated. A man (FJ) was placed right behind a woman (GQ), both lying on their right sides with the heads pointing to the south-east. The legs were semi-flexed, the arms stretched in front of the bodies. The left hand of GQ rested on her left knee. Adornments: Snail shells were found around the hips of FJ and GQ forming loincloths. Small disc-beads and snail shells were adherent to the cranium of GQ. The skull and post-cranial remains are in fragile condition but almost complete; the right humerus and the right tibia are missing. The skull displays marked parietal eminences. Two unhealed fractures are observable on the forehead. One lesion located just above the glabellar region is sharp-edged and pear-shaped (35 x 25 mm). The other lesion caused by blunt force is round in shape (diameter: 26 mm) and placed on the right frontal bone close to the bregma. The lower third molar on the right side grows horizontally. Body Height Estimation: 155,00



sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
772 M1 -1.1954 -2.84 0.7086
773 M3 -1.9165 -5.22 0.7087

Previous: Individual 226 (GP) Next: Individual 228 (GR)