Individual: GP

Sex: female

Age: ca. 50 years

Burial Type: primary flexed right

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: ESE

Description: The corpse was slightly turned to the right side but the head was turned to the left facing south. The legs were placed in a flexed position on the right side. The left arm rested on the chest, the right arm was bent. The right hand lay close to the head and suggests that it was holding some object, which is not preserved. A stone adze (length of 6.5 cm) was discovered near the skeleton. The skeleton is almost complete, the left leg and foot are missing, the skull is extremely deformed.The cranium displays frontal eminences. The lower nasal aperture is rounded; the nasal sill is absent. Least nasal breadth: 13 mm. Body Height Estimation: 162,00 (trotter & Gleser 1952).


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