Individual: DE

Sex: female ?

Age: 35-45 years

Burial Type: secondary

Orientation of Burial: Orientation: E-W Line of vision: E

Description: DE/DF, secondary burial. Two skulls were placed east of a bone pile, which contained the remains of at least four individuals. Standing on the base, skull DE was facing east, and skull DF was facing northwest. A fragmentay female cranium and mandible represent individual DE. Gracile humeri, femora, and a left tibia (DE2) contained in the associated bone pile probably belong to the same individual. Viewed from top, the cranium is ovoid in shape, and viewed from norma occipitalis, it is house-shaped. Furthermore, the skull reveals post-bregmatic flattening and bilaterally well-expressed frontal grooves. Both humeri (DE2) show marked tuberosity of the pectoral major muscle. Body Height Estimation: 163,00 (Trotter & Gleser 1952)

Previous: Individual 107 (DD) Next: Individual 109 (DE1)