Individual: DD

Sex: male

Age: 25-35 years

Burial Type: unknown

Orientation of Burial:

Description: DB/DC/DD, secondary burial of at least 3 individuals. Two skulls were placed next to each other (DC/DD). From a third individual only fragments are preserved. DD: A deformed skull and a well preserved mandible are preserved. The skull is large and dolichocran (similar to the skull of BP) with a projecting occipital plane and a prominent nuchal torus. Granular foveae are apparent on the endocranial surface near the coronal suture. The right gonial angle of the mandible points outward, the left angel points inward.



sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
sample ID skeletal element 18 O 13 C 87/86 Sr
782 M1 -0.211 -3.3 0.7086
783 M3 -1.6355 -3.76 0.7087

Previous: Individual 106 (DC) Next: Individual 108 (DE)