Mean-field density functional theory of a nanoconfined classical, three-dimensional Heisenberg fluid. II. The interplay between molecular packing and oriendational order

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Mean-field density functional theory of a nanoconfined classical, three-dimensional Heisenberg fluid. II. The interplay between molecular packing and oriendational order

Autor(en): Wandrei, Stefanie M.; Roth, Roland; Schoen, Martin
Tübinger Autor(en):
Roth, Roland
Erschienen in: Journal of Chemical Physics (2018), Bd. 149, Article 054704
Verlagsangabe: Amer Inst Physics
Sprache: Englisch
Referenz zum Volltext:
ISSN: 1089-7690
DDC-Klassifikation: 530 - Physik
540 - Chemie
Dokumentart: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
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