Personalized laboratory medicine : a patient-centered future approach

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Personalized laboratory medicine : a patient-centered future approach

Author: Zitnik, Irena Prodan; Cerne, Darko; Mancini, Irene; Simi, Lisa; Pazzagli, Mario; Di Resta, Chiara; Podgornik, Helena; Lampret, Barbka Repic; Podkrajsek, Katarina Trebusak; Sipeky, Csilla; van Schaik, Ron; Brandslund, Ivan; Vermeersch, Pieter; Schwab, Matthias; Marc, Janja
Tübinger Autor(en):
Schwab, Matthias
Published in: Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (2018), Bd. 56, H. 12, S. 1981-1991
Verlagsangabe: Walter De Gruyter Gmbh
Language: English
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ISSN: 1437-4331
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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