The LRRK2 G2385R variant is a partial loss-of-function mutation that affects synaptic vesicle trafficking through altered protein interactions

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The LRRK2 G2385R variant is a partial loss-of-function mutation that affects synaptic vesicle trafficking through altered protein interactions

Author: Carrion, Maria Dolores Perez; Marsicano, Silvia; Daniele, Federica; Marte, Antonella; Pischedda, Francesca; Di Cairano, Eliana; Piovesana, Ester; von Zweydorf, Felix; Kremmer, Elisabeth; Gloeckner, Christian Johannes; Onofri, Franco; Perego, Carla; Piccoli, Giovanni
Tübinger Autor(en):
Zweydorf, Felix von
Gloeckner, Christian
Published in: Scientific Reports (2017), Bd. 7, Article 5377
Verlagsangabe: Nature Publishing Group
Language: English
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ISSN: 2045-2322
DDC Classifikation: 500 - Natural sciences and mathematics
Dokumentart: Article
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