Terahertz (THz) radiation offers many new possibilities for applications, e. g., for spectroscopy, high-bandwidth data communication, medical diagnosis, and security screening. However, these potential applications are still largely unused because there are only a few devices available to generate these frequencies. Especially, from 0.3 to 2 THz there is a lack of coherent, compact, low-cost, tunable, and high-power emitters. Devices based on fast electronic circuits usually work at lower frequency and photonic systems at much higher frequencies. Unfortunately, there is no overlap of these technologies. To close this so-called THz gap one can use Josephson junctions which can convert an applied dc voltage into an ac current and, thus, are able to emit electromagnetic waves. According to the Josephson relation, an applied dc voltage of 1 mV translates into a frequency of 483.6 GHz. Especially, intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) occurring in the high-temperature superconductor Bi 2 Sr 2 Ca Cu 2 O 8+delta (BSCCO) are attractive sources of radiation due to their large frequency range of, in principle, up to 10 THz, and the easy fabrication of hundreds of almost identical junctions stacked on top of each other. The challenging part is to achieve phase synchronization among the junctions to obtain high power emission that scales with the square of the number of junctions. Currently, IJJ stacks with emission powers up to tens of microwatts have been realized, and frequencies ranging from 0.2 to 2.4 THz can be generated. High-precision frequency measurements revealed linewidths down to some megahertz, which is already practical for applications. However, a device that combines all these features does not exist yet. Especially, at higher frequencies above 1 to 2 THz the emission power decreases strongly and the linewidth becomes broad.
The group in Tübingen investigates THz generation from IJJ stacks in close collaboration with the groups of H. B. Wang (Research Institute of Superconductor Electronics, Nanjing University, China & National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan) and V. P. Koshelets (Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow, Russia). Within this collaboration, goals of this thesis were (1) to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of THz generation from IJJ stacks and (2) to find ways how to tune and how to optimize the emission properties of the samples. As a third goal, if possible, some potential applications should be demonstrated.
To understand the physical behavior in more detail and to study the influence of individual parameters on the system a three-dimensional numerical model for large stacks of IJJs was developed. Typically, such stacks with a large number of junctions strongly suffer from Joule heating, such that the temperature distribution becomes highly inhomogeneous and temperature dependencies of all involved physical quantities need to be considered. Based on combined heat diffusion equations and coupled sine-Gordon equations, covering both the thermal physics and the Josephson physics, numerical simulations were done allowing one to have a look into the dynamics of phase synchronization, hot spot formation, and the excitation of standing waves in the stack of junctions acting as a cavity for electromagnetic waves. The overall behavior of the system as well as effects of an external magnetic field were studied and compared to experimental data.
In experiment, a simple array structure was investigated systematically to study the thermal and electric interaction of two nearby IJJ stacks. Moreover, ways to modify and tune the emission properties of BSCCO samples were studied. For instance, it was found that the emission power strongly depends on the position of the hot spot that develops at high-bias currents due to the strong self-heating of the samples. Also, a precise tuning of the emission power is possible by using a focused laser beam that locally heats the sample surface. Furthermore, charge carrier injection was used to change the doping level of the crystal affecting the emission properties.
Since the long-term goal is to build a compact, tunable, and coherent device for a large field of applications at THz frequencies, some first, simple applications are presented which show that BSCCO stacks are suitable candidates as emitters. A compact THz emitter system was built, working at liquid nitrogen temperatures with a commercial 1.5 V battery making it cheap, portable, and easy to handle. Furthermore, spectroscopy experiments were done, showing that it is possible to detect gases like water vapor and ammonia.