First inventory of policy on counterterrorism: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States - 'research in progress'

DSpace Repository


Dokumentart: Book
Date: 2006
Source: Cahier ; (2006) 3a
Language: English
Faculty: Kriminologisches Repository
Kriminologisches Repository
Department: Kriminologie
DDC Classifikation: 320 - Political science
360 - Social problems and services; associations
Keywords: Terrorismus , Bekämpfung
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This report presents a first inventory of measures aimed at combating radicalisation, extremism and terrorism (referred to in this report as counterterrorism policy) in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. Commissioned by the NCTb, the WODC (the Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Justice) carried out a study into counterterrorism measures in place in the countries investigated in early 2006. This study comprises the first international inventory of a number of policy fields under development, whereby the counterterrorism policies discussed here are characterised by extremely rapid development and innovation. This inventory can serve as point of departure for the registration of policy developments and to obtain an insight into their effectiveness. The continuous monitoring of the developments is therefore recommended. Researchers in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the United States have drawn up working documents, each with an inventory of the policy in place in that particular country, taking their information from public sources, mostly government publications and Websites, as well as articles, reports and books. Data on the United Kingdom were collected by the WODC. The closing date for the data collection was 1 February 2006. Besides the inventory, the researchers were invited: - to present a brief history of the development of the counterterrorism policy in the country in question, focusing on experiences with past terrorism and how it was combated - to devote attention where possible to (policy) assumptions on which more recent measures are based - to present available evaluations. Due to the study’s character of providing an inventory, differences may occur between the countries as regards topic detailing. This is “work in progress” involving a policy field in progress. There is no systematic comparison between the countries. It is not possible, therefore, to draw conclusions based on this report for the introduction of certain measures in the Netherlands. However, following a summary of the key study results, seven strategic issues were identified as they emerged from the material.

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