Stem-Cell Transplantation in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Prospective International Multicenter Trial Comparing Sibling Donors With Matched Unrelated Donors-The ALL-SCT-BFM-2003 Trial

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Stem-Cell Transplantation in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Prospective International Multicenter Trial Comparing Sibling Donors With Matched Unrelated Donors-The ALL-SCT-BFM-2003 Trial

Author: Peters, Christina; Schrappe, Martin; von Stackelberg, Arend; Schrauder, Andre; Bader, Peter; Ebell, Wolfram; Lang, Peter; Sykora, Karl-Walter; Schrum, Johanna; Kremens, Bernhard; Ehlert, Karoline; Albert, Michael H.; Meisel, Roland; Matthes-Martin, Susanne; Gungor, Tayfun; Holter, Wolfgang; Strahm, Brigitte; Gruhn, Bernd; Schulz, Ansgar; Woessmann, Wilhelm; Poetschger, Ulrike; Zimmermann, Martin; Klingebiel, Thomas
Tübinger Autor(en):
Lang, Peter
Published in: Journal of Clinical Oncology (2015), Bd. 33, H. 11, S. 1265-1274
Verlagsangabe: Amer Soc Clinical Oncology
Language: English
Full text:
ISSN: 0732-183X
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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