Clear-cell sarcoma of the soft tissue - a rare diagnosis with a fatal outcome

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Clear-cell sarcoma of the soft tissue - a rare diagnosis with a fatal outcome

Author: Ipach, I.; Mittag, F.; Kopp, H. -G.; Kunze, B.; Wolf, P.; Kluba, T.
Tübinger Autor(en):
Ipach, Ingmar
Mittag, Falk
Kopp, Hans-Georg
Kunze, Beate
Kluba, Torsten
Published in: European Journal of Cancer Care (2012), Bd. 21, H. 3, S. 412-420
Verlagsangabe: Wiley - Blackwell
Language: English
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ISSN: 0961-5423
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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