The locomotory system of pearlfish Carapus acus: What morphological features are characteristic for highly flexible fishes?

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The locomotory system of pearlfish Carapus acus: What morphological features are characteristic for highly flexible fishes?

Author: Schwarz, Cathrin; Parmentier, Eric; Wiehr, Stefan; Gemballa, Sven
Tübinger Autor(en):
Schwarz, Cathrin
Wiehr, Stefan
Gemballa, Sven
Published in: Journal of Morphology (2012), Bd. 273, H. 5, S. 519-529
Verlagsangabe: Wiley - Blackwell
Language: English
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ISSN: 0362-2525
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
570 - Life sciences; biology
Dokumentart: Article
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