In complex analysis, a first Chernform c_1(L,|.|) can be defined for a metrized line bundle (L,|.|) on a complex manifold X of dimension d . The first Chernform is a (1,1)-form and the d-fold product gives us a differential form c_1(L,|.|)^d of type (d,d) on X. We can now integrate such a form over X and thus, obtain a measure on X. In this context the Poincaré-Lelong equation is an important formula. This means that for each global meromorphic section s of L the given distribution g: =-log||s||^2 on X satisfied the differential equation dd^c g = c_1(L,|.|) - delta_div(s), wherein delta_div(s) is the dirac current in the divisor to s.
In the non-archimedean analysis, this observation was not possible: If line bundles L_1,...,L_d on a projective variety X of dimension d are given, and we choose, for every line bundle, a model over a given complete discrete valuation ring. The choice of these models induced a metric |.| _i on L_i (i=1,...,d) and we call this metric ‘model metric’. So far, no non-archimedean analogue for the first chernform of (L_i,|.|_i) is known. However, for X we can determine the Berkovich analytic space X^an, which plays the same role for a non-archimedean place as the complex manifold does for the infinite place. Moreover, Chambert-Loir has shown that c_1(L_1,|.| _1)^...^c_1(L_d,|.|_d) is a measure on X^an, analoguous to the measure c_1(L,|.|)^d on the complex manifold. In addition, we have the analogy of the form in the differential geometry taken from the Arakelov geometry. These measures provided for interesting applications in the equidistribution of arithmetic dynamical systems and in the geometric Bogomolov conjecture from diophantine geometry. A substitute for the differential operator dd^c for a non-archimedean analogue of the Poincaré-Lelong equation also was missing. In the case of a curve, Chinburg-Rumely and Zhang have used analysis on the reduction graph for an analogy to the Poincaré-Lelong equation.
This paper is a case study for the definition of the first chernform on the square of a Tate curve. The definition is based on ideas from tropical geometry. Various properties of the first chernform are contextualized in examples. In particular, it is shown that the topdimensiol wedge-power of the first chernform gives the corresponding Chambert-Loir measure and that the Poincaré-Lelong equation is true.