The experiment GERmanium Detector Array (Gerda) is searching for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge. If the neutrino is a Majorana particle, this very rare process of the weak interaction should be observed. Up to now, the double beta decay with emission of two neutrinos was found in several isotopes. Only a part of the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment claims to have observed the neutrinoless double beta decay. Despite the claim, the currently best limit for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge is T1/2 (0nu) > 1.9 10^{25} y [KK01b].
Gerda just started a physics run with three germanium diodes enriched in 76Ge. As soon as an exposure of 15 (kg y) is reached, Gerda should be able to test the claim. In a second phase, the background of Gerda will be reduced by an additional factor of 10 and the 76Ge mass will be increased to push the limit for the halife time to T1/2 > 2 10^{26} y.
To reach the needed sensitivity, the background has to be reduced to a rate of 10^{-3} counts / (keV kg year). This will be achieved through different background reduction (and identification) techniques, like pulse shape analysis or an active muon veto.
In this work, the data acquisition and first data of the Cherenkov muon veto are presented. Different analysis tools have been developed and will be shown. A muon detection efficiency is derived from the very first data, and an offline muon cut threshold is presented. In addition, a calibration system for the muon detector system will be presented.