Yang-Mills theories are the building blocks of today's Standard Model of elementary particle physics. Besides methods based on a discretization of space-time (lattice gauge theory), also analytic methods are feasible, either in the Lagrangian or in the Hamiltonian formulation of the theory. This thesis focuses on the Hamiltonian approach to Yang-Mills theories in Coulomb gauge. The thesis is presented in cumulative form. After an introduction into the general formulation of Yang-Mills theories, the Hamilton operator in Coulomb gauge is derived.
Chap. 1 deals with the heat-kernel expansion of the Faddeev-Popov determinant.
In Chapters 2 and 3, the high-energy behaviour of the theory is investigated. To this purpose, perturbative methods are applied, and the results are compared with the ones stemming from functional methods in Coulomb and Landau gauge.
Chap. 4 is devoted to the variational approach. Variational ansatzes going
beyond the Gaussian form for the vacuum wave functional are considered and treated using Dyson-Schwinger techniques. Equations for the higher-order variational kernels are derived and their effects are estimated.
Chap. 5 presents an application of the previously obtained propagators,
namely the evaluation of the topological susceptibility, which is related to the mass of the $\eta'$ meson.
Finally, a short overview of the perturbative treatment of dynamical fermion fields is presented.