Based on new reconstructions of the ultimate glaciation and the corresponding ELA depression in Corsica constrained by cosmogenic and luminescence age dating, a new climatic model is evolved for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the Western Mediterranean. Dating of Corsican glacial sediments and glacially abraded rock surfaces generally confirmed the previously described four glacier advances during the Wuermian. Large, well preserved moraines and moraine quartets belong to a widespread glaciation that started around 24 kyr and lasted until 19 kyr with subsequent moraine stabilisation by about 18 kyr. This glaciation correlates with the cold phase of Heinrich event (HE) 2 and the LGM of the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic. Two subsequent phases of smaller valley glacier advances from 17 to 14 kyr and from 13 to 11 kyr are correlated with the Oldest (OD) and Younger Dryas (YD) continental cold spells, and marine cold spells of HE1 and HE0. Locally, the Wuermian maximum ice extent precedes the global LGM. Luminescence dating suggests an age around 30 kyr (HE3) whereas a glacier advance in the early Wuermian (HE6/~MIS4) is not confirmed by age dating. The difference in extent between HE3 and HE2/LGM is quite variable. Stronger glacier advances during the penultimate and older glaciations, as postulated in older works particularly for the Rissian (~MIS6), has been substantiated with few more data, but the timing and the extent remain unknown for most of Corsica. Dating results and mapping enabled a reconstruction of the glacier extent for three phases of the Wuermian glaciation, which are the LGM, the OD, and the YD. These results served as a base for equilibrium line altitude (ELA) reconstructions. With an average ELA of 1573 m the LGM was 9.5 °C colder than the Present, if the effect of precipitation of the ELA is excluded. Regional changes in the ELA pattern and their associated first-order de-convolution of underlying temperature and precipitation components of the three cold phases from the LGM over the Oldest to the Younger Dryas revealed a trend towards a dryer Mistral (NW wind) and increasing moisture supply from the SW. The climate reconstructions for the Oldest and Younger Dryas indicate a stepwise transition from full glacial (LGM) to interglacial (Present) atmospheric conditions. The climatic conditions especially at the margins of the island differ considerably between the LGM and the Present and are explained by changes of the larger scale atmospheric circulation that is reflected by the ELA pattern in Mediterranean scale. All available Mediterranean ELA data were incorporated in a new Mediterranean ELA map of the LGM. The ELA depression as the elevation difference between the ELA in the LGM and at Present was recalculated as temperature draw-down of the higher altitudes and combined with data on LGM cooling at sea level (SST proxies), and low-elevation terrestrial proxy-data, in order to provide direct constraints on the vertical structure of the LGM atmosphere. The glacial SST dropped considerably less than the calculated TELA over part of the Mediterranean, which has implications for the atmospheric stability, circulation patterns and local precipitation. The new synoptic climate model suggests that cyclones followed preferential storm tracks across the basin grossly similar to the Present. Due to the more southerly position of the polar front over the western Mediterranean during cold phases like the LGM, northerly polar air outbreaks over the western basin have probably been more frequent and/or persistent than today. The incursion of polar air masses would have favoured convection of moist air in regions with relatively warm SSTs, so that considerable local LGM precipitation can be predicted in eastern and northern Corsica, the Apennines, the Dinarides, and Greece. The observed climate pattern in the LGM could be explained with a frequent occurrence of a strongly sinuous Rossby wave lobe, forming a trough of polar air over the western Mediterranean basin. This setting would have had strong impact on the accumulation of snow, and would superimpose the climatic effects of longer phases of zonal circulation (westerlies) with lower and broadly scattered precipitation.