The 1.16 Ga old, persodic Ilímaussaq intrusion in South Greenland solidified at a depth of about 3 to 4 km, between the granitic basement and the sandstones and pillow-bearing basalts of the Eriksfjord Formation. The intrusion consists of alkali granite, syenites, and agpaitic nepheline syenites, which are cut by late-magmatic veins. This thesis deals with late-magmatic to hydrothermal processes in the Ilímaussaq complex and focuses on the fluid phase. The late-stage fluids are of major interest, since they are capable of mobilising, transporting, and redistributing trace elements. Their special nature may lead to a local enrichment of rare and incompatible elements like Zr, Nb, Ta, and REEs even to economic levels. The first part of this study concerns an endoskarn assemblage, whose occurrence is quite extraordinary regarding the Na-dominated intrusion and the lack of carbonate rocks. The second part deals with the geochemical and isotopic composition of the late-magmatic to hydrothermal fluid present at Ilímaussaq.
The endoskarn assemblages comprising the Ca-silicates ilvaite, epidote and Ca-rich garnet occur along fracture zones within the Ilímaussaq intrusion. In contrast to typical skarn assemblages, the Ilímaussaq endoskarns contain albite as a main phase and they did not form in metacarbonate rocks, as these are completely lacking in the vicinity of the intrusion. Instead, the studied endoskarns record late-magmatic to hydrothermal interaction of possibly external Ca-rich fluids with the alkaline to agpaitic rocks and still clearly reflect the magmatic textures of the precursor rocks. Phase relations in the two endoskarn varieties with epidote + albite + Ca-rich garnet ± ilvaite ± retrograde prehnite suggest formation conditions of about 500 °C at high oxygen fugacities slightly above the HM oxygen buffer (FMQ +5 to +7), with later small modifications due to fluid influx or cooling of the original fluid at about 300-350 °C (formation of prehnite) and at about 200-250 °C (oxygen isotopic reequilibration of the albite).
One model for the formation of the observed assemblages suggests the decomposition of Ca-bearing minerals like primary eudialyte, clinopyroxene or ternary feldspar and redistribution of the Ca by a metasomatizing late-magmatic fluid. Stable isotope (O, H) investigations, however, favour a model in which seawater was the metasomatizing fluid, which entered the Eriksfjord basalts above the intrusion, reacted with them (spilitization) and brought about 10E-3 mol/L Ca along fractures into the metasomatized rocks. Fluid-rock interaction in the Eriksfjord basalts is documented by abundant chlorite-epidote-quartz assemblages while high fluid/rock ratios allowed the fluid to retain its seawater oxygen isotope composition.
Late-magmatic veins, which were investigated in terms of fluid inclusions and stable isotopes in the second part of this study, consist of albite, aegirine, ussingite, fluorite, or, very rarely, quartz and are common in the Ilímaussaq intrusion. The oxygen isotopic composition of the minerals indicates different origins for the quartz veins: while the veins in the alkali granite are orthomagmatic, the veins in augite syenite were either derived from fluids that entered the intrusion from the granitic country rocks or they formed by digestion of, or reaction with, sandstone xenoliths in this rock unit. While albite and aegirine do not contain fluid inclusions suitable for investigations, ussingite contains pure hydrocarbon fluid inclusions and fluorite saline brine inclusions of primary and secondary origin. Quartz comprises predominantly primary and secondary NaCl-dominated brine inclusions with up to 29.7 wt.% NaCl(equiv.) or CH4-H2O-NaCl mixtures. These fluids are interpreted to reflect the fluids in equilibrium with the late-stage melts at Ilímaussaq.
The carbon and hydrogen isotope composition of the methane in fluid inclusions in quartz resembles the signature of thermogenic methane, but the higher hydrocarbons are mostly 13C-depleted in relation to methan, which is typical of abiogenically-derived hydrocarbons. The carbon and hydrogen isotope composition of methane in ussingite, is similar to earlier analyses of Ilímaussaq methane, and suggests a magmatic origin.
Ion-chromatography of fluid inclusion leachates from the late-stage veins reveals Cl/Br ratios of about 100. As such values seem to be a typical feature of peralkaline magmatic rocks, at least in the Gardar Province of South Greenland, it is suggested that this ratio is typical of Gardar magmatic fluids and may be characteristic of the Cl/Br ratio of the lithospheric mantle from which these alkaline melts were derived. The geochemical composition of the late-stage aqueous fluids shows some variability, but is dominated by sodium chloride and minor to trace amounts of, for example, calcium, potassium, iron, uranium, and fluorine.