The island of Corsica in the Western Mediterranean represents a natural laboratory for studying the processes of cooling, exhumation, and relief formation, since there are several advantageous features that make Corsica an excellent study area. In a relatively small territory, two distinct principal domains are distinguished: (i) Alpine Corsica, a complex nappe stack dominated by metamorphic rocks of oceanic origin metamorphosed during the Alpine orogeny; and (ii) Variscan Corsica, a well-exposed Variscan crystalline basement made up mainly of unmetamorphosed granitoid rocks. Geodynamic evolution is characterized by Mesozoic extension and opening of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean, followed by middle Late Cretaceous to Eocene shortening, resulting in Alpine collision when the Alpine nappes were thrust onto the Variscan basement. In the Oligocene, the tectonic regime changed from a compressional to an extensional one, and continuous rollback of a newly evolved Apenninic subduction zone led to collapse of the Alpine wedge, rift inception merging to ocean spreading, and drifting of the Corsica-Sardinia block away from the European mainland. At present, the Corsica-Sardinia block is a micro-continent surrounded by two oceanic domains. From the geomorphological standpoint, Variscan Corsica represents an outstanding ridge-and-valley structure with peaks exceeding 2000 m in elevation, where the most spectacular features are paleosurface remnants of unknown age preserved at elevations between 200 and 2300 m.
The aim of this study is to investigate the thermal and exhumation history and relief evolution of Corsica, and to constrain the age of paleosurface remnants through the use of three low-temperature dating techniques: zircon fission track (ZFT), apatite fission track (AFT) and (U-Th)/He thermochronology. Each of these methods has a characteristic temperature sensitivity of between ~200-300°C, ~60-120°C, and ~40-75°C, respectively, which makes it possible to detect temperature changes in uppermost crust that can be induced by deposition or removal of rock masses by erosion or tectonic processes, or by changes in topographic relief. Previous thermochronological studies primarily focused on investigating the inversion of the Alpine wedge in NE Corsica, whereas the major part of Variscan Corsica is virtually unexplored. This study concentrates specifically on these regions with the highest relief and paleosurface remnants.
Altogether 3 ZFT, 67 AFT and 40 (U-Th)/He analyses were performed on samples from the Variscan basement and Eocene flysch sediments. The data published in other studies were carefully revised according to strictly defined criteria and fully integrated into the actual dataset.
ZFT analyses from the central part of the Variscan basement yield ages between 144.6 ± 10 and 159.2 ± 9.8 Ma. These ages record a thermal event related to the Jurassic opening of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean. Inferring from the data of other studies it can be concluded that the ZFT system in the eastern margin of Variscan Corsica was partially reset during Eocene metamorphism, and that during the Cretaceous there was no thermal event affecting Variscan Corsica. In Alpine Corsica, ZFT data together with 40Ar/39Ar data bracket the time of tectonic denudation of Alpine units between ~33 and 19 Ma.
AFT data range from 16.4 ± 1.4 to 105.3 ± 7.2 Ma, AFT ages from Eocene flysch are all completely reset. Based on the AFT data and thermal modeling results the cooling history of Corsica can be reconstructed as follows: after the Jurassic thermal event related to opening of the Ligurian-Piedmont Ocean, the basement was cooling to near-surface conditions where it remained until the Early Paleocene. Since the Late Paleocene, the basement was progressively buried below sediments of the foreland basin, and later during Eocene collision it was partly covered by Alpine nappes. At the end of the Eocene, all of Variscan Corsica had been covered by a thick pile of rocks, leading to a total reset of the AFT system in the major part of the basement. In the Oligocene, after tectonic reorganization, the basement started to exhume, which led to the removal of the thick cover from the top of the basement. The removal of the cover occurred by erosional denudation in the major part of Variscan Corsica, as well as by tectonic denudation in the NE part of the island. AFT ages from the NW part of the basement record an Early Miocene thermal event associated with the opening of the Ligurian-Provençal Ocean.
(U-Th)/He analysis was performed on 12 samples from nine different paleosurface remnants, and yield ages between 16.0 ± 2.3 and 22.1 ± 0.9 Ma. There are no obvious differences in He age between different paleosurface remnants, although the vertical distance in some cases is more than 1600 m. This indicates that all paleosurface remnants in Corsica have their origin in one single paleosurface. Segmentation of the paleosurface and differential uplift of individual blocks happened after the time of cooling through the temperature zone sensitive to the (U-Th)/He system. The age of the paleosurface formation is bracketed on the basis of FT data, thermal modeling results and consideration of stratigraphic and structural data, between ~120 and 60 Ma. During Eocene collision, the paleosurface was buried by a thick flysch pile and was thus protected from destruction. In the Oligocene, the paleosurface started to exhume and the cover was removed. During the Miocene rotation, the paleosurface was cut by faults, and at ~17 Ma the region was uplifted by differential block movements, creating relief and inducing valley incision. This event can be understood as an onset of peneplain destruction that occurred mainly by fault-induced valley incision and widening.
The data presented in this study bring new light to the understanding of the thermal, tectonic and morphological evolution of Corsica and provide new insight on the geodynamic evolution of the Western Mediterranean realm. Moreover, the results demonstrate that different low-temperature dating techniques used in tandem have great potential for unraveling the thermal history of rocks at shallow depth, and can significantly reduce the number of "acceptable solutions" obtained when using only one method. Furthermore, it is shown that after proper revision, it is possible to integrate several, otherwise contradicting, FT datasets.