The starting point for the research project "regional structures and employment perspectives for the trades" was the consideration, based on field experience, that even though the trade sector of the economy has great regional economic and employment political importance, it is underrepresented in regional structural policies as well as in municipal and regional economic growth programs. A deduced goal for the implementation-oriented section of the research was to increase the importance of the trades in regional politics as well as in economic growth policies. For that purpose specific approaches for trades-oriented regional policies had to be identified. Furthermore regional initiatives, which would stabilize employment numbers and strengthen the trades, had to be determined.
In the analytical section of the research project priority was given to the empirical examination of regional structures within the trades and the development of such. Further relevant was the analysis of development trends, the dynamics of change, the potentials and risks for the trades as well as the comparative analysis of the development of the trades with the total economy in context of the shifting socio-economic structure. For this a combination of methods was utilized. The secondary statistical analysis of regional employment structures and the development of the trades industry, in particular within the region Stuttgart, augmented by interviews with experts provided the following trades specific, regionally oriented policy parameters: (1) further training and education in the trades, (2) innovations and their utilization for the marketplace by the trades, (3) a positive image and attractive appeal of the trades for trainees, (4) cooperative ventures between companies and networking within the trades.
In the second stage, oriented towards implementation, selected policy parameters for the region Stuttgart were exemplified and then further explored with the cooperation of stakeholders in the region. Special attention was given to the innovation-oriented policy parameter. In the field of solar technology an economic stimuli program was initiated, conceptualized and participated in. Aside from the example subjects, a conceptual and strategy oriented course of action with the trades was initiated on a regional level, for example by utilizing the "REK Handwerk" (Regionales Entwicklungskonzept Handwerk / regional development program for the trades).