Climate models are commonly used to analyse the present-day climate system and future climate change. However, these models also can be applied to climate situations of earth history. In addition to the simulation of palaeoclimates, this allows to investigate the consistency of proxy data, which are obtained using various methods and including different assumptions. Also reliability and explanatory power of the climate model itself can be tested. As all the highly complex processes in the climate system are not yet entirely understood, models necessarily include uncertainties. The limited computer capacities force modellers to simplify certain processes by parameterisation. Due to the complexity of the causal dependencies more difficulties are encountered in interpreting the data the more the model is different from the present-day state.
In this work, special emphasis is placed on the successive adjustment of the orography of the atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) ECHAM 3 to the Tortonian. The global Late Miocene simulations are performed with a lower elevation of the Alps and the Himalayas as compared to today, and an ice-free Greenland. The North Atlantic becomes more cyclonic in character, winter temperatures in Europe rise, the northward shift of air masses over the Atlantic is enhanced.
For further experiments in addition to the orography, the sea surface temperatures (SST) are modified. Since there are only few isotope data available for a global reconstruction, two hypothetical Tortonian SST scenarios are developed using a static ocean. Globally, the SST cause by far stronger effects on climate than the orographic modifications. The seasonality on the continents reflects and amplifies the anomalities of the SST. The weakened meridional gradient significantly weakens the surface winds. With the scenario `cold tropics', trade-winds and monsoonal winds are weak, precipitation is reduced within the tropics, the temperate latitudes, and in the global mean. Precipitation is enhanced in the polar areas and the trade-wind deserts. With `warm tropics', the polar regions are significantly warmer and obtain more precipitation than today.
Based on the Tortonian SST-scenario which fits best with terrestrial proxy data, finally the Messinian Salinity Crises is modelled, including the Paratethys. The Himalaya mountains and the Tibetan Highlands are set to their present elevation. Major parts of Eurasia become dryer and colder by two degrees centigrade; Africa becomes dryer. With these modifications the Asian monsoon is influenced more than by the modifications to the SST, the winter-monsoon is weakened, the summer-monsoon strengthened. The African monsoon remains unchanged.