The present-day shape of the Alpine chain is a consequence of Mesozoic to Tertiary plate movements within the Tethys region. As part of this orogen, the Apuseni Mts. were formed during the Upper Cretaceous convergence between the Tisia and Dacia microplates. The subduction of the Transylvanian ocean between the Tisia and Dacia microcontinents can be traced into the East-Alpine region, where the South Penninic ocean was subducted at the same time. In both orogens (the Apuseni Mts. and the Eastern Alps) an Upper Cretaceous basin evolved, which commonly is known as Gosau basin. This work focuses on the sedimentologic and geodynamic evolution of the Gosau basins of the Apuseni Mts. It combines various methods, which enable a reconstruction of the geological evolution in the sedimentation area and allow direct comparison to the well studied Austroalpine Gosau sediments in the Eastern Alps.
Sedimentologic records yield facies differences within the Apuseni Mts: the southern and eastern parts of the Apuseni Mts. record both, deep marine and shallow marine sediments, which, according to the Austroalpine definition, are grouped into the Lower Gosau Subgroup (shallow marine facies) and Upper Gosau Subgroup (deep marine facies). In the northern Apuseni Mts. only shallow marine sediments were deposited. Paleontological data constrain the stratigraphic range: sedimentation started in Upper Turonian time and ended in the uppermost Cretaceous. The sedimentation onset of the Lower Gosau Subgroup occurred diachronously with a lateral shift from southwest to northeast. The sedimentation onset of the Upper Gosau Subgroup does not show a diachronous pattern. Heavy mineral assemblages prove the erosion of areas lying on both sides of the elongated basin. Basin modeling based on vitrinite reflectance confirms maximum sediment thickness of approximately 3000 m, similar to what is know from the Eastern Alps. Fission-track age populations of detrital zircons from the Gosau sediments reflect three Mesozoic tectonothermal events in the hinterland: at 90 – 110 Ma, 130 – 150 Ma and 170 - 200 Ma. Two additional age populations record Paleozoic ages (250 – 300 Ma and ~ 400 Ma). The convergence of the Tisia and Dacia microplates resulted in a “soft” collision, which is indicated by non-resetting of detrital apatite fission-track ages from the Gosau sediments. However, there was increased exhumation in the crystalline hinterland, which is shown by thermal modeling of apatite fission-track lengths.
The achieved data lead to a reinterpretation of the plate tectonic evolution of the studied area and the proposal of a geodynamic model for the generation of such type of basins. Initial basin subsidence is a consequence of high-strain forced subduction with high frictional shear at the contact between the overriding and subducting plate, accompanied by flexure of the overriding plate and low basin subsidence rates during the deposition of the Lower Gosau Subgroup. Change to retreating subduction due to dehydrating and thus increasing slab density, accompanied by downward pull from the downbending plate, is responsible for the rapid basin subsidence and sedimentation of the Upper Gosau Subgroup. The installation of a cornerflow after the beginning of retreating subduction is inferred to be responsible for the Late Cretaceous banatite magmatism. Retreating subduction resulted in a “soft” continental collision, which occurred around the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary.
The similarities to the Gosau occurrences of the Eastern Alps lead to direct correlation with the Alpine paleogeographic evolution and the assumption that a continuous ocean basin (South Penninic and Transylvanian ocean basin) has been consumed during Upper Cretaceous times. Depositioning of Upper Cretaceous flysch sediments (e.g. Bozes flysch, South Apuseni Mts.) occurred into a second basin, which is interpreted as a deep sea subduction-trench basin. The difference to the Gosau basin is supported by basin modeling based on vitrinite reflectance.