Hexagonal manganites represent an interesting and challenging field of interest for experimentalists, theoreticians and engineers. Due to the coexistence of ferroelectric and magnetic domains in a hexagonal-antiferromagnetic system, very complex phase diagrams are formed. Applications as FeRAMs as well as coupled ferroelectric-ferromagnetic systems are objectives of today's science.
Despite the high technological potential of hexagonal manganites and despite they were investigated since the mid- sixities, the knowledge about hexagonal manganites is still fragmentary. The nuclear and magnetic ordering processes are neither described in detail, nor completly understood in theoretical physics.
In this work a detailed analysis of the electric and magnetic order parameters of hexagonal manganites is presented. The phase diagram of the electric ordering can be devided in a paraelectric, an antiferroelectric and a canted antiferroelectric temperature region by group theoretical methods, while neutron and x-ray powder diffraction on LuMnO, TmMnO3 and YbMnO3 confirm this result.
The magnetic ordering process is monitored by x-ray and neutron diffraction on powdered, neutron diffraction on single crystal samples, as well as SQUID-magnetometry and analysis of specific heat data of powdered samples with R = Ho, Y. Furthermore, the distribution of the grain size in the powdered samples was analysed by light optical microscopy and laser small angle scattering to check the quality of the samples.
Hexagonal manganites show two-dimensional short range order above Néel-temperature. Below Néel-temperature they order in the typical space groups of a distorted trigonal antiferromagnet with easy plane anisotropy. If R is magnetic, the R-sublattices and the Mn-sublattic couple via Dzyaloshinski-Moriya exchange. For R = Ho, this leads to a change of the local magnetic anisotropy of the Mn-position and to a low temperature phase transition, while the Mn-sublattice is canted increasingly with decreasing temperature. The coupling of the magnetic and electric order parameters leads finally to a distortion of the Mn-position, HoMnO3 shows a magnetoelectric phase transition at low temperatures.