Oxidative stress is assumed to be an important mechanism for the development of atherosclerotic lesions. To estimate the influence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on blood vessels, we examined the effect of different hydroperoxides on free radical generation, contractility and endothelial function of vessels from different species. Furthermore, the endothelium dependent relaxation of hypertonic and diabetic rats was tested, because it is postulated, that endothelial function is impaired in these diseases.
Material and methods:
To measure the peroxid stimulated free radical generation with luminol and lucigenin enhanced chemiluminescence, preparations from rats, porcine arteria cerebri media, human placenta and human arteria mammaria were incubated with different concentrations of H2O2 or tert.-BHP (tert.-butylhydroperoxide).
In addition, the influence of different concentrations of H2O2, tert.-BHP and KO2 on contraction force was tested with preparations from rat aorta, rabbit arteria carotis, human placenta vessels and porcine arteria mammaria. Prior to the application of the different hydroperoxides, the vessel preparations were contracted by KCl [30 mM] or serotonine [10 mikroM].
To estimate the acute effect of ROS on endothelial function, we measured the acetylcholine dependent relaxation acutely influenced by the peroxides H2O2, tert.-BHP and O2.- - liberated from KO2 or the xanthine/xanthinoxidase (XOD) system.
The influence of H2O2 or tert.-BHP on radical generation was similar in all four types of vessels and was enforced in a dose dependent manner. With luminol, this effect was 1000fold higher for H2O2 than for tert.-BHP, whereas the lucigenin enhanced chemiluminescence was only few stimulated. The part of superoxide anions in the whole radical production was little for H2O2 but came up to the total quantity with tert.-BHP.
The addition of peroxides on precontracted arteries induced an enhancement of contraction force with all types of vessels used. The amount of this increase depended on the vessel species and the type and concentration of peroxide used. The influence on porcine arteria cerebri media and placenta vessels was much higher than that on rat aorta or rabbit arteria carotis.
The effect of oxidative stress on endothelial function depended on the vessel type used and the applied peroxide concentrations. High concentrations caused damaging effects on the endothelial dependent relaxation, whereas lower concentrations revealed generally an improved relaxation.
The results with KO2 and xanthine/XOD were quite different. After perfusion with these substances, there was either impairment or enhancement of endothelial relaxation. This improvement had a greater extent than H2O2 or tert.-BHP could achieve. For KO2 and Xanthin/XOD set free superoxidradicals, it is possible, that the different results are due to this radical species.
The findings with hypertensive rats showed, that application of the ACE-inhibitor Captopril as well as of the AT1-antagonists Candesartan or Losartan resulted in a significant improvement of endothelial function in hypertensive as well as in standard rats.
During a period of 11 months of experimental diabetes mellitus, rats with a moderate hyperglycemia did not develop significant endothelial dysfunction that could be measured in vitro.
Hydroperoxide induced acute oxidative stress increases arterial contractility and, in most cases at low concentrations, improves endothelial function. The in vivo postulated endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus or hypertension could not be measured in vitro, perhaps because it is difficult to simulate all parameters that take part in the development of atherosclerosis.