In this work, a systemtic analys
is of the dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an anhamronic waveguide is p
resented. For this purpose, a apparatus for the formation of Bose-Einstein conde
nsates in magnetic microtraps was built. The apparatus is characterized by an ea
sy and efficient loading system for the magnetooptical trap, consisting a pulsed
thermal source for Rubidium atoms. All magnetic field generating elements for t
he manipulation of the atoms are placed as a compact uniti inside the vacuum sys
tem. With the aid of new transfer scheme, the atoms are transferred into the mic
rotrap. The microtrap is generated with electroplated microfabricated copper con
ductors on a ceramic substrate. For the study of the dynamical properties of a B
ose-Einstein condensate, its oscillation in an anharmonic waveguide was analyzed
. The condensate experiences a strong coupling between the external center of ma
ss motion and the internal dynamics. Thereby, the low-lying collective modes (sh
ape oscillations) of the condensate are excited. Due to the anharmonicity of the
potential, the spectrum of the center of mass motion shows harmonic frequency g
eneration. The center of mass motion is nearly undamped and shows an extremely h
igh quality factor of 20000. During the shape oscillation, the extension of the
condensate is changing by a factor of up to 10 and the nonlinear interaction cau
ses a frequency mixing of the collective modes. The experimental data are descri
bed with a model, which reduces after the separation of the center of mass motio
n the theoretical description to an existing analytic solution of the Gross-Pita
evski equation in Thomas-Fermi approximation. The theoretical model is in good a
greement with the experimental data. For strong excitations, the experimental da
ta show indications for a chaotic.