In the present work, a new concept has been developed and realized for making Bose-Einstein condensates. The trapping potential for ultracold atoms is generated by micro sized electromagnets: a microstucture with extremely thin conductors, or with a thin wire. To load these microtraps, a new loading technique has been developed, whereby ultracold 87Rb atoms are transferred adiabaticaly from a large volume magnetic trap into the strongly confining potential of the microtrap. Due to this new loading scheme, we succeeded in loading so far the largest number of atoms into a microtrap, up to 2x10E7. Bose-Einstein condensation in a magnetic microtrap was also observed for the first time. The condensate contains up to 8x10E5 atoms.
The miniaturization of the conductors opened the possibility of bringing atoms close to the trap surface. This work also represents the first systematic investigation into the interaction between ultracold atoms and the microtrap’s surface. In particular, measurements on the lifetime and heating rate are described. While the lifetime of atomic clouds decreases when approaching the surface, the heating rate only depends on the trap frequencies. In steep potentials with oscillation frequencies within the kHz-range, no heating has been observed, even in cases where the distance to the conductors’ surface was small.
Another essential result is the first observation of an anomalous magnetic field component along a current carrying wire. The density distribution of atomic clouds in elongated traps parallel to current carrying copper conductors shows a spatial periodic structure. The period is 200–300 mm and it appears in several experiments where copper conductors are used for generating the microtrap. It turned out, that as well as the known circular field of the current flow, copper conductors also generate an anomalous longitudinal field component. This anomalous field has been characterised by means of ultracold thermal and condensed clouds