This study intends to analyse processes of learning and evaluation, based on the theory of autopoietic and selfreferential systems. Especially, learning in context of organizationsystems will be focused. Learning is defined as the modification of the systemic structures of expectations, which is caused by a differing communication. A meta-theory of evaluation will be developed which comprehends evaluative operations as a constitutive part and a functional element of organizational learning.
Evaluation seems to be a specific operation of a system: as a reflexive-valuating form of communication. Its constitutive elements of structure are observation of differences, reflexion (observation of the observation of differences) and valuation of the observed differences. Besides, reflexivity also means recursivity: the evaluation’s process uses its own results for following operations.
Evaluative communications not only restrict themselves to reflect systemical processes. They also occupy a central function for the development of learning systems: they effect as perturbating events, enable processes of meta-communication, increase the system’s competence of meta-cognition, cause viable interpretations of environments, enable to change normative expectations into cognitive ones and make possible to transform latent expectations into manifest structures of expectation.
Evaluations however, only evocate effects if they are able to create structural couplings between the evaluating system and this one which becomes evaluated. The autonomy of autopoietic systems requires a self-referential closing of the evaluator and the evaluand in the process of evaluation.