Subject of the paper are some important features of the entire work of Ib Michael. These are on the one hand Magical Realism, that he, as an educated ethnologist, combines with South American indigene myths and Far East ways of thinking, on the other hand theoretical physics, especially complementarity, a phenomenon of quantum physics. Both sides have a specific view on time and space: Related to the point of view of the observer are time and space changed in relation to each other and can resp. has to be rated differently. This is connected with a dualism, that likewise can be found on both sides. In the same way expresses the confrontation of myths and natural sciences, effected by Ib Michael in his works, such a kind of dualism.
For the entire work of Ib Michael is this dualism and its special relationship to time and space represented with the figure of the unmortable soldier, who appears in different ways all over Michaels work. The unmortal soldier does not only bind (mainly) the novels together by showing characteristics that can be recogniced again and again, it is also related to the author himself, who very often appears himself as an active protagonist. This means a further dualism of fiction and reality. The result is one of the central issues of his work.: the question for identity.
The submitted paper deals under these aspects with Magical Realism and complementarity, to demonstrate their meaning for Ib Michaels work by discussing some of his own reflections about literature. After an analysis of the unmortal soldier in his entire work follows a close reading of the novel 'Kejserfortællingen', in which the unmortal soldier is the main character.