For patients with acute leukemia could be shown that at the time of diagnosis, approximately 10^12 malignant cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood may be present. Even patients in complete clinical remission may still have up to 10^10 neoplastic cells not detectable via morphological methods (e.g. bone marrow examination). As part of investigations of minimal residual disease (MRD), these cells, which are blamed for the persistence of leukemia and the development of relapses are characterized and further described. It was found that a larger burden of MRD is associated with a higher risk of an unfavorable course of disease. Besides the longer-established method of MRD detection by PCR techniques the MRD-determination by flow cytometry was increasingly examined in the recent years. For the two competing methods, several studies have shown concordant results, the PCR appears to have a greater sensitivity to offer in practice, while the wider availability, the faster implementation and statements on the level of single cells appears to be an advantage of flow cytometry. Study objective of this work was, in addition to the optimization of the already established MRD measurement on the existing 4-color flow cytometry, to establish the method on a multi-color flow cytometer from BD Biosciences with 4 lasers, so the previously limited maximum number of measurable colors could be expanded. Finally, a comparison of the two methods using clinical patient samples should be performed to evaluate the MRD determination with ten or more colors compared to the previous method with four colors. To optimize the present measurements, we developed a new algorithm for more accurate evaluation of purification and thereby achieve a better differentiation of blasts negative cells or cell debris. Therefor it was primarily necessary to analyze healthy and regenerating bone marrow samples of healthy children systematically. When transferring the measurements to the new flow cytometer the technical upgrading of the device and development of a meaningful vitality tests with reactive dyes was initially necessary in order to focus the analysis on vital cells. Finally, we had to find a sensible and workable combination and distribution of the required antibodies in each test tube on the available channels, defined by a 10-color backbone of CD10/CD38/CD34/CD45/CD56/CD3/CD14/CD19/CD16/AF350 for B-ALL lines. After the introduction of new gating strategies, we demonstrated conclusively the results of six bone marrow samples from two ALL patients at the time of initial diagnosis and two times in the further clinical course. The results were compared to those previously examined in the 4-color flow cytometry, and appeared to be concordant. This work lays the foundation for further, systematic analyzes of patient samples using the extended synchronal marker panel and the resulting higher sensitivity of a larger information density.