Adequate climatic conditions in artificial respiration of new-born or premature born babies have an improvement over mortality and morbidity. At present many authors demand a target value of 37°C and 100% humidity refering to actual publications. Aim of this study was to examine the humidifiers MR 730 and MR 850 (Fisher & Paykel) using realistic respiration regimes and optimize them. We artificially respirated a lung model with a Babylog 8000plus in a humidicrib. We used the MR 730 and MR 850 as humidifiers. The tube in the humidicrib was not heated. Data was collected by 3 temperature probes and a humidification probe. The first temperature probe was inserted into the tube system next to the humidification chamber, the second was inserted at the humidicrib entrance, between the heated and nonheated part of the tube, and the third was inserted at the Y-piece. The humidity sensor was connected into the circuit next to the humidification chamber (distal position) or just before the Y-piece (proximal position). Data was sent to a computer, processed and saved. Examining the MR 850, data of the humidifier was additionally acquired by the program "view850". Total time of a measurement was usually 2 hours. Measurements were made using the humidity sensor in distal position (at the humidifier exit) and standard ventilation with the flows 5 l/min, 10 l/min, 15 l/min and 20 l/min. Using the sensor in proximal position (close to the lung model) we varied humidicrib temperature between 28°C and 37°C. Further we made measurements of CPAP and HFOV-ventilation. Using the MR 730 and humidity sensor in distal position, measurements showed a decrease of absolute humidity over time of measurement. With increasing flow the humidity decreased even more. Furthermore a negative correlation between flow and absolute humidity was found. These characteristics were less significant with the MR 850. Using the humidity sensor in proximal position there was no relevant effect on humidity by humidicrib temperature for the MR 850 and the MR730. Using the MR 850 showed a use of capacity of 85% of the heating power of the heater coil of the tube with an environment temperature of just 23-25,5°C and a flow of 5 l/min. Compared to standard ventilation the HFOV-ventilation (using MR850) showed an improved output of humidity, with higher heating power and higher heater plate temperatures though same temperatures at the chamber exit. Comparing CPAP with standard ventilation we recognized a worse humidity output, a lower heater plate power, a lower heater plate temperature and a lower temperature at chamber exit. The following explanations seem possible for the decrease of humidity along time and the negative correlation of absolute humidity with the flow: 1. The water surface in the humidification chamber gets to small in relation to the flow. 2. A laminar flow in the chamber evokes such effects. 3. A surplus of warming up of the humidifier results in a reservoir of energy that continuously empties over the time of measurement. To avoid influence of humidicrib temperature on ventilation gas, two tube heater coils should be used in series in the inspiratory tube, the humidicrib temperature should be integrated in the humidifier program or the length of the nonheated tube part should be adapted to the humidicrib temperature. The maximum power of the tube heating coil should be increased in the MR 850 to meet lower environment temperatures and higher flows. The improved humidification in HFOV-ventilation compared to standard ventilation is probably caused by a turbulent flow and an increased wave formation in the chamber. In contrast to that, the worse humidification using CPAP is supposed to be a failure in the temperature measurement of the humidifier. Using the MR 850, high flow and high humidicrib temperature can result in a decrease of relative humidity under 75 % at the Y-piece. The aims of 37°C and full saturation of humidity are not achieved with both humidifiers using all common patterns of ventilation. Therefore we hope that the producers of humidifiers and especially Fisher&Paykel will improve there products further.