CT Angiography: Differences in the imaging of abdominal arteries by means of various thin-slice reconstructions and forms of contrast agent application using a 16-channel Multidetector CT
To compare different methods of reconstruction and forms of contrast agent application with regard to their influence on the quality of imaging arterial blood vessels in the abdomen by means of CT angiography (CTA) of the abdomen using a 16-channel Multidetector computer tomograph (MDCT).
Material and Methods:
As part of the clinical diagnostic investigations a 16-channel MDCT (Sensation 16, Siemens) of the abdomen was performed on 62 patients (16 x 0,75 mm collimation, 120 KV, 120-140 mAs, 80 ml contrast agent i.v.). The following parameters were employed for the various axial and MIP (Maximum Intensity Projections) image data reconstruction: 1 mm slice thickness (ST) / 0,7 mm reconstruction increment (RI), 2 mm ST / 1,5 mm RI, 4 mm ST / 3 mm RI. MIP reformation with 1 mm slice thickness served as a reference. The A. mesenterica superior (AMS), the Aa. renales (AR) and the A. hepatica propria (AHP) in anatomical order from 0-4 on a five-point scale were evaluated. In addition, the patients were divided into three different contrast agent application protocols (uniphasic injection with 3 ml/s, biphasic injection with 4 / 2,5 ml/s) and different contrast agent forms or iodine concentrations (320 mg iodine/ml or 400 mg iodine/ml) administered.
Compared with the reference image data with the overall highest quality of representation (MIP 1 mm ST), where, in the case of all the blood vessels examined, by far the majority of the images of the first arterial branches (orders) were excellent to good, and in the case of the higher orders also for the most part, or at least frequently, of adequate quality, it was found that the quality of vessel representation of the image data axial 1 mm ST was the highest, with almost comparable quality for both the respective main branch vessel and the first subsidiary branches. However, these slices, particularly in the case of the higher vessel orders (= vessels with a smaller diameter) were slightly inferior to the MIP 1 mm. The other reconstruction parameters showed a deterioration in image quality proportional to the increase in slice thickness, especially in the higher vessel orders, whereby the MIP 4 mm ST proved least appropriate for imaging the narrowest arterial vessels. The application techniques and contrast agent or iodine concentration forms employed, on the other hand, had no relevant bearing on the quality of vessel imaging, at least in the gradations used in this study.
For the visualisation of the smallest arterial blood vessels in CT angiography of the abdomen using a 16-channel MDCT, MIP reformats with a slice thickness of 1 mm proved to be most suitable, which prerequires thin-slice collimation. An increase in slice thickness led to a significant reduction in detail resolution, rendering it unsuitable for the visualisation of the smallest abdominal arteries.