Aim: Pathophysiological explanations about the etiology of colon irritabile seem to implicate an involvement of the autonomic nervous system. The cardiovascular system represents a well-established access to the acquisition of vegetative feed-back control systems. In order to gain information about the psychic constellation of the collective, a psychometric test-battery was added.
Methods: Eleven women and nine men suffering from a somatoform autonomic disorder of the upper and/or lower gastrointestinal tract, which was diagnosed at the psychosomatic policlinic, and a control group of healthy volunteers from the general population received an examination of the cardiovascular system for the acquisition of vegetative parameters. The computer-based non-invasive measuring system „Task Force® Monitor“ was used for continuous monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure with calculation of the mean value and for recording the intervals of RR waves with evaluation of the sympathovagal balance (LF/HF-Ratio).
During the measurement, lasting about one hour, cardiovagal tests (respiratory sinusarrhythmia, valsalva-maneuver, tilt-test) were performed and parasympathetic indices of function (E/I-ratio, valsalva-ratio, orthostatic-ratio) calculated. Assessment of the sympathetic efference was made possible by monitoring reactions of heart rate and blood pressure on two mental stress tests (colour-word-interference-test stroop, mental arithmetic test).
As instruments for psychometric testing several questionnaires like ROME II (diagnosis), SF-36 and FDDQOL (quality of life) and IIP (inventory for interpersonal problems) were used.
Results: The main difference between patients and healthy volunteers, separated by gender, was found by analysing the mean value of heart rate and blood pressure during the different phases of measurement. Female patients mostly had a significant lower blood pressure than healthy women. In the male collective a lower heart rate was found. The increase of heart rate and blood pressure as reaction on mental stress was lower in patients: while female patients were showing a lower rising of blood pressure, male patients presented with a lower increase of heart rate. In the male collective this difference was significant for mental arithmetic test.
In parasympathetic reactions no difference was found by the tests of cardiovagal function. The sympathovagal balance as parameter of heart rate variability showed a tendency to differences, as female patients partially presented a higher LF/HF-Ratio than healthy women, but this difference didn’t reach a significant level.
By evaluating the results of the diagnostic inventory ROME II it turned out that not all patients fulfilled the criteria for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), but all were suffering from a functional disorder of the gastrointestinum. The SF-36 showed a severe impairment of health-related quality of life in patients, with emphasis on psychic aspects. Also the disease-specific quality of life, assessed through FDDQOL, was impaired. Results of IIP revealed considerable interpersonal problems in the collective of patients. The degree of their occurrence correlated significantly with the level of heart rate in patients.
Conclusion: Again, anomalies of vegetative parameters were diagnosed in patients with colon irritabile through autonomic function tests. For the predominant differences were found in values of heart rate and blood pressure, while parasympathetic reflexes were normal in most cases, the causing doesn’t seem to be a global damage of the structure of autonomic nervous system. However the possibility of a predominantly functional vegetative impairment of patients with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract has to be considered. A psychic involvement in the generation of inadequate vegetative reactions is suggested both by different responses on mental stress and the correlation between heart rate and the degree of interpersonal problems in patients. In future research it should be pointed out that characteristics of vegetative mechanisms may be influenced by psychic circumstances and should be interpreted sophisticated on this background.