The HFE-gene associated hereditary hemochromatosis (HH1) is a monogenetically inherited disease, which is characterized by an excessive accumulation of iron caused by sequence variations in the HFE-gene with following lesions of diverse organic systems. The homocygous C282Y-mutation in exon 4, the homocygous H63D-mutation in exon 2 and the compound-heterocygosity of these two mutations are the most important genotypes associated with this disease. These genotypes can be found in many individuals, but by far not in all the individuals with a corresponding phenotype.
The routine molecular genetic analysis of the examined HH1-collective could prove only for a part of them a corresponding genotype, too. Hence, all 6 exons of the HFE-Gene were examined by DHPLC and genetic sequencing. In this case, the incidence of the two major mutations of the HH1 as exonic missense-mutations and an intronic sequence variation (IVS2/3889*T>C) could be proven, over which the significance has yet to be determined. Besides, a linkage of the H63D-mutation with this intronic sequence variation could be found by an analysis of the family tree. In addition to the genetic examination, the actual clinical symptoms of each patient were collected by a questionnaire. Thus comparisons between the present genotype and phenotype could be drawn. For this, the patients with three of the most important genotypes were divided into three groups and their test results of the iron regulating parameter, representing the occurrence and the severity of the iron overload, were compared among themselves. The highest test results were received for the homocygous C282Y-mutation, which was already to be expected following other studies. So a correlation between the underlying genotype and the severity of the iron overload could be borne out in the chosen collective once more.
With regard to the genetic examination, it can be said that the examination of the two major mutations seems to be sufficient when HH1 is suspected, because the presence of other mutations in the HFE-gene can be expected only in a negligible part of the patients. It seems more practical to analyse other genes, which also have a stake in the iron regulation, in patients with negative tests in the HFE-gene but a typical clinic.
In the second part of this study there was made a multi-centric case-control-study in a Parkinson’s disease collective (PD) and a corresponding control group to examine possible correlations between the variations in the HFE-gene and the idiopathic PD.
A multifactorially conditioned pathogenesis is expected in the emergence of the PD, but it is not yet finally clarified, if there is an interaction between various genetic vulnerability factors or if there is an additive effect of genetic origin and environmental factors. Since the insight of an increased level of iron in the substantia nigra as well as an increased oxidative stress in this tissue, a potential importance of the proteins is assigned, which take part in the iron regulation, in the pathogenesis of the PD. Here, the HFE-gene seems to be a suitable candidate gene when looking for the aetiology of this disease.
In the genetic examination of the present study, 4 exon missense-mutations and the same intronic sequence variation as seen in the HH1-collective could be proven. The proven H63D-mutations and the C282Y-mutations are the two most important mutations associated with the HH1. However, the statistic analysis of these mutations by comparing the two collectives revealed no significant association between these two exon mutations and the intronic sequence variation. The two other exon missense-mutations (T217I and K92N) were only proven in one patient with PD und could not be found in the control-collective. The K92N mutation is described for the first time within the context of the present study. In summary, a correlation between the mutations of the HFE-gene and the idiopathic PD cannot be by the available facts. Although these results are against an influence of the variations in the HFE-gene corresponding to the PD, this can not be ruled out with absolute reliability without further investigations with regard to additionally influencing factors.