The two membrane proteins rBAT and b0,+AT form a functional heteromeric amino acid transporter. The amino acid transport induced by this proteins corresponds to the previously described amino acid transport system b0,+, which exhibits 1:1 exchange of neutral and dibasic amino acids as well as cystine favouring the influx of dibasic amino acids and cystine into the cell. The heteromer rBAT-b0,+AT acts thereby as part of the mechanism which allows reabsorption of these substrates in the kidney proximal tubule and its absorption along the small intestine.
In the present work the properties of the amino acid transport induced by the expression of the human rBAT in Xenopus laevis oocytes were examined using the two-electrode-voltage-clamp technique. All studied dibasic amino acids including cystine as well as most of the neutral amino acids induced currents in oocytes expressing rBAT. The opposed polarity of these currents and the studies on voltage dependence and intracellular preload demonstrated an amino acid exchange at the rate of 1:1 for human rBAT, as it was previously shown for rBAT of other species. The kinetic studies on substrate affinities resulted in high extracellular affinities for dibasic amino acids and cystine as well as lower affinities for neutral amino acids. Apart from the observed slight sodium-dependence these results correspond to the described properties of the transport system b0,+ and confirm the induction of this transport system by rBAT.
The function of the heteromeric amino acid transporter formed by rBAT and b0,+AT is essential for the reabsorption of cystine out of the primary urine. Therefore, mutations in each of these two proteins can lead to cystinuria. Due to the low solubility of cystine, recurring cystine stones are formed and cause obstructions, urinary tract infections and later renal insufficiency with necessity to dialysis treatment.
One of the most frequent mutations found in patients with cystinuria leads to the replacement of threonine by methionine at position 216. Functional studies of this mutation in Xenopus laevis oocytes revealed no differences compared to the wildtype protein regarding both the exchange function and the extracellular affinities for the studied amino acids. However, the experiments examining the dependence of hrBAT expression on the amount of cRNA or the time point after its injection resulted in a reduced expression compared to the wildtype protein.
In summary, the mutation T216M leads to an impaired protein trafficking to the cell membrane as it was previously shown for other mutations. At the cell membrane, the defective protein is functionally active as the wildtype protein, but it is unable to reach the surface to the same extent. Hence, the light subunit b0,+AT which reaches the plasma membrane only in presence of the heavy subunit rBAT remains likewise mostly inside the cell. Therefore, the transport of cystine and the dibasic amino acids which is in vivo necessary for their reabsorption out of primary urine is impaired and explains the presence of cystinuria in patients carrying this mutation.