Age, preoperative tumor volume and widening of the internal acoustic meatus are independent factors associated with poor preoperative hearing in vestibular schwannoma patients - results of a single-center retrospective analysis

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Age, preoperative tumor volume and widening of the internal acoustic meatus are independent factors associated with poor preoperative hearing in vestibular schwannoma patients - results of a single-center retrospective analysis

Autor(en): Doerner, Lorenz; Suhm, Elisa-Maria; Ries, Vanessa; Goncalves, Vitor; Skardelly, Marco; Schittenhelm, Jens; Tatagiba, Marcos; Behling, Felix
Tübinger Autor(en):
Suhm, Elisa-Maria
Ries, Vanessa
Skardelly, Marco
Tatagiba, Marcos
Behling, Felix
Dörner, Lorenz
Gonçalves, Vitor Moura
Schittenhelm, Jens Florian
Erschienen in: Neurosurgical Review (2024), Bd. 47 (1), Article 262
Verlagsangabe: New York : Springer
Sprache: Englisch
Referenz zum Volltext:
ISSN: 0344-5607
DDC-Klassifikation: 610 - Medizin, Gesundheit
Dokumentart: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
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