Management of patients on antithrombotic therapy with severe infections: a joint clinical consensus statement of the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis, the ESC Working Group on Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology, and the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

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Zur Kurzanzeige Geisler, Tobias 2024-05-14T06:48:46Z 2024-05-14T06:48:46Z 2023
dc.identifier.issn 0195-668X
dc.language.iso en de_DE
dc.publisher Oxford : Oxford Univ Press de_DE
dc.relation.uri de_DE
dc.subject.ddc 610 de_DE
dc.title Management of patients on antithrombotic therapy with severe infections: a joint clinical consensus statement of the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis, the ESC Working Group on Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology, and the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis de_DE
dc.type Article de_DE 20230928000000_00518
utue.publikation.seiten 3040-3058 de_DE
utue.personen.roh Gigante, Bruna
utue.personen.roh Levy, Jerrold H.
utue.personen.roh van Gorp, Eric
utue.personen.roh Bartoloni, Alessandro
utue.personen.roh Bochaton-Piallat, Marie-Luce
utue.personen.roh Back, Magnus
utue.personen.roh ten Cate, Hugo
utue.personen.roh Christersson, Christina
utue.personen.roh Ferreiro, Jose Luis
utue.personen.roh Geisler, Tobias
utue.personen.roh Lutgens, Esther
utue.personen.roh Schulman, Sam
utue.personen.roh Storey, Robert F.
utue.personen.roh Thachil, Jecko
utue.personen.roh Vilahur, Gemma
utue.personen.roh Liaw, Patricia C.
utue.personen.roh Rocca, Bianca
dcterms.isPartOf.ZSTitelID European Heart Journal de_DE
dcterms.isPartOf.ZS-Issue 32 de_DE
dcterms.isPartOf.ZS-Volume 44 de_DE
utue.fakultaet 04 Medizinische Fakultät de_DE

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