A prospective observational study of real-world treatment and outcome in secondary CNS lymphoma

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A prospective observational study of real-world treatment and outcome in secondary CNS lymphoma

Author: Habringer, Stefan; Demel, Uta M.; Fietz, Anne-Katrin; Lammer, Felicitas; Schroers, Roland; Hofer, Silvia; Bairey, Osnat; Braess, Jan; Meier-Stiegenj, Anna Sofia; Stuhlmann, Reingard; Schmidt-Hieber, Martin; Hoffmannm, Johannes; Zinngrebe, Bettina; Kaiser, Ulrich; Reimer, Peter; Moehle, Robert; Fix, Peter; Hoeffkes, Heinz-Gert; Langenkamp, Ulrich; Bueschenfelde, Christian Meyer zum; Hopfer, Olaf; Stoltefuss, Andrea; La Rosee, Paul; Blasberg, Henning; Jordan, Karin; Kaun, Stephan; Meurer, Anna; Unteroberdoerster, Meike; von Bruenneck, Ann-Christin; Capper, David; Heppner, Frank L.; Chapuy, Bjoern; Janz, Martin; Schwartz, Stefan; Konietschke, Frank; Vajkoczy, Peter; Korfel, Agnieszka; Keller, Ulrich
Tübinger Autor(en):
Möhle, Robert
Published in: European Journal of Cancer (2024), Bd. 196, Article 113436
Verlagsangabe: London : Elsevier Sci Ltd
Language: English
Full text: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejca.2023.113436
ISSN: 0959-8049
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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