The proneural subtype is not associated with survival benefit from bevacizumab in newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a secondary analysis of the GLARIUS trial

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The proneural subtype is not associated with survival benefit from bevacizumab in newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a secondary analysis of the GLARIUS trial

Autor(en): Weller, Johannes; Zeyen, Thomas; Schaefer, Niklas; Schaub, Christina; Potthoff, Anna-Laura; Steinbach, Joachim P.; Hau, Peter; Seidel, Clemens; Goldbrunner, Roland; Tabatabai, Ghazaleh; Vatter, Hartmut; Tzaridis, Theophilos; Schneider, Matthias; Herrlinger, Ulrich
Tübinger Autor(en):
Tabatabai, Ghazaleh
Erschienen in: Journal of Neuro - Oncology (2023), Bd. 164, H. 3, S. 749-755
Verlagsangabe: New York : Springer
Sprache: Englisch
Referenz zum Volltext:
ISSN: 0167-594X
DDC-Klassifikation: 610 - Medizin, Gesundheit
Dokumentart: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
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