Unmanned aerial systems accurately map rangeland condition indicators in a dryland savannah

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dc.contributor.author Amputu, Vistorina
dc.contributor.author Braun, Andreas
dc.contributor.author Heshmati, Sara
dc.contributor.author Tielbörger, Katja de_DE
dc.date.accessioned 2023-11-17T09:46:39Z
dc.date.available 2023-11-17T09:46:39Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.issn 1574-9541
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10900/147837
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Elsevier de_DE
dc.relation.uri http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102007
dc.subject.ddc 570 de_DE
dc.title Unmanned aerial systems accurately map rangeland condition indicators in a dryland savannah de_DE
dc.type Article de_DE
utue.quellen.id 20230619000000_01262
utue.personen.roh Amputu, Vistorina
utue.personen.roh Knox, Nichola
utue.personen.roh Braun, Andreas
utue.personen.roh Heshmati, Sara
utue.personen.roh Retzlaff, Rebecca
utue.personen.roh Roeder, Achim
utue.personen.roh Tielboerger, Katja
dcterms.isPartOf.ZSTitelID Ecological Informatics de_DE
dcterms.isPartOf.ZS-Issue Article 102007 de_DE
dcterms.isPartOf.ZS-Volume 75 de_DE
utue.fakultaet 07 Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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