Short term morphological rescue of the fovea after gene therapy with voretigene neparvovec

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Short term morphological rescue of the fovea after gene therapy with voretigene neparvovec

Author: Kortuem, Friederike C.; Kempf, Melanie; Jung, Ronja; Kohl, Susanne; Ott, Saskia; Kortuem, Constanze; Sting, Krunoslav; Stingl, Katarina
Tübinger Autor(en):
Kempf, Melanie
Jung, Ronja
Kohl, Susanne
Sting, Krunoslav
Stingl, Katarina
Kortüm, Friederike Charlotte Christina
Ott, Saskia Deborah
Kortüm, Constanze Ilse Katharina
Published in: Acta Ophthalmologica (2022), Bd. 100, H. 3, S. E807-E812
Verlagsangabe: Wiley
Language: English
Full text:
ISSN: 1755-375X
DDC Classifikation: 610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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