Allosteric Inhibition of Parkinson's-Linked LRRK2 by Constrained Peptides

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Allosteric Inhibition of Parkinson's-Linked LRRK2 by Constrained Peptides

Author: Helton, Leah G.; Soliman, Ahmed; von Zweydorf, Felix; Kentros, Michalis; Manschwetus, Jascha T.; Hall, Scotty; Gilsbach, Bernd; Ho, Franz Y.; Athanasopoulos, Panagiotis S.; Singh, Ranjan K.; LeClair, Timothy J.; Versees, Wim; Raimondi, Francesco; Herberg, Friedrich W.; Gloeckner, Christian Johannes; Rideout, Hardy; Kortholt, Arjan; Kennedy, Eileen J.
Tübinger Autor(en):
Gilsbach, Bernd
Zweydorf, Felix von
Gloeckner, Christian
Published in: Acs Chemical Biology (2021), Bd. 16, H. 11, S. 2326-2338
Verlagsangabe: Washington
Language: English
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ISSN: 1554-8929
DDC Classifikation: 570 - Life sciences; biology
Dokumentart: Article
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