Zonisamide-responsive myoclonus in SEMA6B-associated progressive myoclonic epilepsy

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Zonisamide-responsive myoclonus in SEMA6B-associated progressive myoclonic epilepsy

Author: Herzog, Rebecca; Hellenbroich, Yorck; Bruggemann, Norbert; Lohmann, Katja; Grimmel, Mona; Haack, Tobias B.; von Spiczak, Sarah; Munchau, Alexander
Tübinger Autor(en):
Grimmel, Mona
Haack, Tobias
Published in: Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology (2021), Bd. 8, H. 7, S. 1524-1527
Verlagsangabe: Wiley
Language: English
Full text: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/acn3.51403
ISSN: 2328-9503
DDC Classifikation: 570 - Life sciences; biology
610 - Medicine and health
Dokumentart: Article
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