A repository for the sustainable management of research data

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Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.contributor.author Dima, Emanuel de_DE
dc.contributor.author Henrich, Verena de_DE
dc.contributor.author Hinrichs, Erhard de_DE
dc.contributor.author Hinrichs, Marie de_DE
dc.contributor.author Hoppermann, Christina de_DE
dc.contributor.author Trippel, Thorsten de_DE
dc.contributor.author Zastrow, Thomas de_DE
dc.contributor.author Zinn, Claus de_DE
dc.date.accessioned 2021-10-04T14:06:34Z
dc.date.available 2021-10-04T14:06:34Z
dc.date.issued 2012 de_DE
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10900/119359
dc.language.iso en
dc.relation.uri http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2012/index.html de_DE
dc.title A repository for the sustainable management of research data de_DE
dc.type BookPart de_DE
utue.personen.pnd Henrich, Verena/432622675 de_DE
utue.personen.pnd Hinrichs, Erhard/173070833 de_DE
utue.personen.pnd Trippel, Thorsten/299480151 de_DE
utue.personen.pnd Zinn, Claus/134573412 de_DE
utue.publikation.seiten 3586-3592 de_DE
utue.personen.roh Dima, Emanuel de_DE
utue.personen.roh Henrich, Verena de_DE
utue.personen.roh Hinrichs, Erhard de_DE
utue.personen.roh Hinrichs, Marie de_DE
utue.personen.roh Hoppermann, Christina de_DE
utue.personen.roh Trippel, Thorsten de_DE
utue.personen.roh Zastrow, Thomas de_DE
utue.personen.roh Zinn, Claus de_DE
utue.publikation.buchdesbeitrags Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - ELRA, 2012 de_DE
utue.titel.verfasserangabe Emanuel Dima, Verena Henrich, Erhard Hinrichs, Marie Hinrichs, Christina Hoppermann, Thorsten Trippel, Thomas Zastrow and Claus Zinn (Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen) de_DE
utue.publikation.abrufzeichen o108 de_DE
utue.publikation.swbdatum 2109 de_DE
utue.artikel.ppn 1772287539 de_DE

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